Crest Animation Productions
Crest Animation Productions (formerly RichCrest Animation Studios and Rich Animation Studios) is an animation studio located in Burbank, California, United States. The studio was founded by Richard Rich, who previously worked at Disney. The studio's first and most famous film was The Swan Princess, which was rather successful on initial release. After the animated remake The King and I was released in 1999, due to bankruptcy and losses they were taken over by Crest Animation Studios Ltd. (CEO: A. K. Madhavan), an Indian animation studio, to form RichCrest Animation Studios. Recently, Lions Gate has entered into a deal with RichCrest Animation Studios to make three 3D animated feature-length productions, the first of these, Alpha and Omega, was released on September 17, 2010 and The Lion of Judah, was released on May 20, 2011.
In February 2007 it was renamed to its current name and it was announced that it is "expanding its business to become a full-service animation studio specializing in the development and production of CGI-animated properties for theatrical, television, home entertainment and interactive distribution".
Feature films
# |
Title |
Release date |
Budget |
Gross |
RT |
IMDb |
1 |
The Swan Princess |
1994-11-18 |
$9,771,658 (USA) |
44% |
2 |
The Swan Princess II: Escape from Castle Mountain |
1997-07-18 |
$273,644 (USA) |
N/A |
3 |
The King and I |
1999-03-19 |
$25,000,000 |
$11,993,021 (USA) |
13% |
4 |
The Trumpet of the Swan |
2001-05-11 |
$102,202 |
15% |
5 |
Muhammad: The Last Prophet |
2004-11-14 |
N/A |
6 |
Alpha and Omega |
2010-09-17 |
$20,000,000 |
$39,356,375 |
15% |
7 |
The Little Engine That Could |
2011 |
N/A |
8 |
The Lion of Judah |
2011-05-20 |
N/A |
Upcoming films
Title |
Release date |
Ref(s) |
Norm of the North |
2012 |
Alpha and Omega 2 |
2013 |
External links